The contractions are a bit closer together now and they have more pressure and more pain than before. Signs of progress.
Our primary nurse's other patient was induced this morning and delivered. No Fair. Our replacement is the same nurse we had when we came in on Sunday. She was very surprised we still hadn't delivered.
This is a good time to mention the staff. Everyone we've seen has been nothing short of fantastic, completely mirroring our experience nearly 6 years ago at this hospital. The doctors have all been from the same practice as Sam's primary OB, so we've met them, or seen some of them in the hospital before and they are all fantastic as well.
Our nurse comes in and relays a message from the doctor: "As long as the baby is stable, we're going to continue down this road". We're mostly relieved at the plan, a vaginal birth is definitely preferred. Being honest though, there is definitely a selfish part of us that wants to get it over with more quickly.
Even as I write this the contractions are becoming more painful and uncomfortable. Sam is finally starting to look like someone on their way to having a baby.
More progress.

But first... lunch.