I have a Pixel 4XL that I brought to the hospital to take pictures with. It has this nifty feature where it will show you the name of whatever song is currently playing around you. Kind of like Shazam, but it's always listening and keeping track of what it hears throughout the day.
A few hours ago I noticed that it said a song by Primus was playing. Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal, but this time it was strange because I was sitting in the hospital room with Sam, and there was no music playing. I made a mental note of it and went on with my conversation with Sam.
I just remembered to check the phone and see what it thought was playing. Here is what I found:

Sam and I just listened to these songs and as crazy as it sounds, they actually have beats that line up with the baby's heartbeat from the monitor. The more amazing thing is that the heartbeat on the monitor changed to sync up with the songs while they were playing! The baby was even pushing on the belly where the phone was closest!
I created a playlist of the songs, in the order they were heard, so you can have a listen for yourself and see if you can hear the thump-thump....thump-thump sounds: