The Waiting is the Hardest Part


I realized I was hungry after they brought Sam her breakfast. I went down to the cafeteria to see what was on offer and got a breakfast sandwich and some cream of wheat. Knowing something important was missing from my meal, I stood there and looked around for a minute. Then it hit me. There's no coffee in the cafeteria.

Stupid pandemic.

Naps, or lack thereof

You would think being this tired would make it easy to nap. Both Sam and I just sitting in silence, with our eyes closed, the faint thump-thump of the baby's heartbeat on the monitor, these are all things that should make it simple. But sleep doesn't come. Just pseudo-napping and jumping at every unexpected noise from the hallway or machinery. The absence of coffee, or something warm to drink anyway, is only making it harder.


Lunch, finally

They bring Sam her lunch. A delicious looking plate of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and some fruit. That breakfast I had really isn't cutting it. I head down stairs to check out the cafeteria, nothing jumps out at me, so I get in the car and head to Jack-In-The-Box. A large soda (yay sugar and caffeine), fries, burger, and one taco later and I'm feeling much better.



I took the opportunity to bring in my laptop bag from the car when I got back from picking up lunch. After messing around for a bit trying to get remote access to my computer at home working (stupid beta Unifi firmware), I decided I was awake enough to start writing these blog posts.


Potty Breaks

The IV is pumping Sam full of fluids, so we're doing the get out of bed, unhook the monitors, wear the cords like a bandolier, take the IV stand to the bathroom, and back shuffle every hour. I don't mind. It's something to do.



Sam says the contractions are typically a "3", but there have a been a few in the last hour that were a "7". Nurse seemed cautiously optimistic it might not take the whole 12 hours.


potty break