The Way is Shut

At about 7:45pm I decided I should probably get some dinner. After a quick trip to Del Taco I got back to our room. I went ahead and brought our suitcase from the car since it seemed like we're going to be in the labor and delivery room well into the night.

At first, Sam seemed like she was sleeping. But then I heard it. That sound she makes when she's in pain and holding it in. A quick glance at the monitor and I could see she was having a contraction. "That seemed like a big one", I said. She opened her eyes a little and said they've been getting way more painful. Progress, at last!

A few moments later another nurse came in to get the baby cart ready, "just in case", she said. Needless to say, I quickly ate my dinner.

9:15pm, the time had come. The nurse removed the Cervadil, felt around, and let us know that the cervix is still completely closed. "It is softer" she added quickly reminding us that the Cervadil did its job. Well crap...

The nurse told Sam to let her know if/when she wants pain meds. They aren't going to do the epidural until we're a lot further along.

This is the part that kills me. I can't do anything help. All I can do is watch while Sam goes through the pain.

They want to see the baby a bit more active before administering the Pitocin. Sam hasn't had anything to eat or drink except water since dinner at 5:00. They're having her drink the apple juice from dinner to see if that gets the baby moving around.

More waiting.